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Application of Airtel's intelligent tightening equipment in precision manufacturing such as semiconductors
Application of Airtel's intelligent tightening equipment in precision manufacturing such as semiconductors

As a representative of high-end manufacturing, semiconductors require high precision in their craftsmanship and have a relatively wide range of demands for automation products, which have attracted wi


With the growing momentum of the global electronic product market nowadays, domestic consumers’ demand for digital products such as mobile phones, cameras, and personal computers has become more and more vigorous. More sophisticated, more powerful digital products to meet consumer needs. This makes the existing assembly technology of the electronics industry also face many new challenges, which are mainly reflected in the fact that electronic products require a large number of key components to be connected, while their volume is getting smaller and lighter, so they need to be used more. Small, shorter screws for assembly. At the same time, as new electronic products use more materials such as plastics and polymers, coupled with smaller parts and stricter tolerance requirements, it is increasingly difficult for traditional clutch screwdrivers to meet the assembly needs of the electronics industry. Especially in the automotive industry, due to the high safety requirements of vehicles, each bolt must be tightened with strict tightening force and tightening angle requirements. The previous process of tightening by a torque wrench can no longer meet today's bolt data security. The requirements for sex and traceability have been made. At present, several well-known automobile factories in the world use high-precision electric guns to ensure the accuracy and stability of bolt data, but the domestic automobile industry currently does not have corresponding equipment guarantees, even if there are, there are only a few workstations. Use high-precision electric guns.

The traditional clutch screwdriver has the following disadvantages:

(1) The torque accuracy is low, and the target torque value is adjusted mainly by the mechanical structure. The error is large and the torque error increases with time.

(2) The tightening process is fixed, and the torque changes and methods during the tightening process cannot be automatically adjusted, and there is no angle control function.

(3) Judgment of no wrong screwing. The wrong teeth, slippery teeth, excessive torque and other errors in the screw tightening process cannot be automatically judged, and can only be judged by the operator's eyes.

(4) No missing screw alarm. In the case of mass production and multiple screws on a product, even if the screw is missing, it cannot be judged, and it can only be detected by humans.

(5) There is no automatic control interface, and there is no other external interface except for the hand-pressed switch, so it is difficult to connect with the central controller to form an automatic production line.

(6) The tightening records cannot be traced. There is no record for all the tightening screws, so it is impossible to track the records of each screw after the finished product.


Due to the above reasons, the traditional clutch screwdriver cannot achieve high torque accuracy and high tightening qualification rate. The application of complex tightening process and automated production occasions. For example: assembly industries such as mobile phones, hard drives, cameras, notebook computers, automotive electronics, medical care, glasses and watches. It is precisely because of the development pressure of the tightening industry and the new challenges of assembly technology that a new generation of intelligent tightening tools has been extended, that is, the precision tightening system. This kind of tool has been put into use in several foreign countries, such as: Germany (Germany), the United States (Jergens), Sweden (Atlas), and the United Kingdom (Matou).

Our company has developed an intelligent screw tightening system by combining the rich experience of screw tightening industry and the advantages of micro-motor production. The drive motor adopts a precision micro servo motor, which has the advantages of low noise, fast speed, good low-speed performance, no dust, high efficiency, high torque precision, and strong shock resistance. The controller has a touch screen man-machine interface, programmable input and output interfaces, Large-capacity information storage, Ethernet communication, etc. This system can adapt to screws with a range of 0.6-6 (mm), applicable products: cameras, clocks, glasses, mobile phones, navigators, calculators, auto parts, printers, televisions, air conditioners, laptops, toys, etc.

Our smart screw tightening system has the following characteristics:

(1) 12 task modes, each task has up to 8 different torque parameters, users can configure the tightening process of each screw according to their needs. This function is suitable for products with a variety of screws.

(2) It has both torque control and angle control. A single torque index cannot judge the correct tightening of the screw. To avoid the discovery of wrong teeth, missing pads, etc., it is an indispensable step to add torque to the angle monitoring. At the same time, for the tightening process of self-tapping screws, angle control and torque control must be mixed for the best.

(3) With programmable IO for process control, it is convenient to connect with other control equipment to form automated production equipment. So as to replace the complicated manual operation, that is to improve the efficiency and improve the product assembly pass rate.

(4) It has the function of judging wrong screwing and missing screwing, which can determine the tightening status of each screw, and an alarm or re-tightening will be generated for unqualified screws.

(5) It has a large-capacity screw-tightening information storage and an interactive network interface controlled by the factory, which can save recent screw-tightening records for easy query later. The network interface is convenient for remote control.

(6) It has the function of displaying the torque, angle, power, and other data curves during the tightening process, and assists the setting of the tightening torque parameters.

(7) It has two installation methods, handheld and automatic, which is suitable for most applications in modern industry.


Enterprise production status

In traditional labor-intensive enterprises such as toys, electronics, plastics, communication equipment, small household appliances, furniture, etc., screwing in the assembly process has always been an electric or wind screw with one hand, while the other hand grasps the screw and aligns the screw with the mouth lock. Screw. When one hand does the necessary actions of “grabbing, moving, waiting, and aligning” for screwing, the time it takes is one-third or more of the time required for screwing, especially for materials For screws that cannot be absorbed by magnets such as stainless steel or copper, it takes more time, and there are a lot of screwing stations on each production line.

Therefore, for a long time, how to increase the speed of locking screws has been a very difficult problem for the grassroots managers, and it is also an important problem of how to realize the automation of the production line. Among the existing manufacturers, the most commonly used method for increasing the production line capacity of the screwing station is to increase the manpower after a limited increase in the proficiency of the workers. The increase in manpower will be accompanied by an increase in direct production costs, management costs and other costs such as labor, rent, water and electricity, taxes, and insurance. For this reason, it is inevitable to use an automatic tightening system that can save manpower and increase production line productivity.


Automatic tightening system development

The ideology of the new mode of production is the driving force behind the enterprise reform driven by profitism. In today's free competitive market environment, in order to achieve the target profit, efforts must be made to achieve the target cost. For factories to reduce costs, they must focus on the parts that can be controlled within the enterprise, such as labor, equipment, and management costs, as the objects of improvement.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that changing from manual screw extraction to hand-held automatic tightening system to supply screws can effectively improve production efficiency and reduce production costs.


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